Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prayers answered

My doctor called today to tell me the results of my recent CT scan and X-rays. Great news-- he said that I am free to resume normal activities! That means I can start bike commuting when I arrive in DC and go day hiking on the weekends. It will probably not be until next spring that I can start road biking and backpacking, but they are certainly within reach. Concerning my spine, it will require continued monitoring, but no more surgeries in the near future. My only limitations are to do low-impact activities and to avoid heavy lifting (the technical term is "axial loading").
In the meantime, I still have a lot of physical therapy to do, probably another year's worth. I continue to make progress, but it is very slow. I still walk slowly with a noticeable limp. But all in all, I am very pleased with my current status and future prognosis. Hooray for good health!
Thanks for your continued support through this ordeal.

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